
Wondering was Originally Posted on July 11, 2012 by

Readers in the U.S., if I say “My bologna has a first name it’s ‘O S C A R’”, your response will probably be “my bologna has a second name, its ‘M A Y E R’”.

Your respionse should have been, “How pathetic is someones life that they have to NAME your luncheon meat”?

I am wondering just how much more shampoo people used when the manufactorers put the word “REPEAT” in the directions “Shampoo, rinse, repeat”?. When people like me started asking them to explain, some changed it to read “repeat if necessary/desired” leaving the decision to you.

I recently saw a similar complaint from a reader. Some laundry detergents now have a cup that holds enough for 4 washloads! Just a way to get you to use more.

When I started selling coffee, I offered a 2 pound, 1 pound, 8 oz, 4 oz and 2 oz bag. Thus you could choose the size that filled your needs without waste :-). Of course, most of those are disabled at the moment because I am very low on coffee and am roasting it manually in small batches. But I digress.

OK, last one, if the plural of mouse is mice, why isn’t the plural of house, “hice”?