Wasting My Time
Wasting My Time was Originally Posted on February 16, 2015 by lavarock
Still looking for a truck. I saw one yesterday but it was not quite what I wanted. I called another guy and he said that his family was going out but that I could see the truck today. The drawback is that it is a 2 hour drive away. In anticipation I took the dogs out for an extended time, got a drink for the trip, set aside cash for a down payment, mapped out how I would get there and headed into town. I gassed up the truck I am borrowing even though I did that yesterday. Then I waited. And waited. And waited still, trying to call the guy buy kept getting voice mail.
At this point I am at Costco, a good 20 miles north of the farm and I am somewhat reluctant to go much further until I speak with him. Still, he has to get home at some point, right? As the afternoon wears on I think that if I don’t go a bit closer to his place, if he does call, I won’t get back until after dark.
I venture further north, passing the airport and finally stopping at Waikoloa, about an hour from the house. I still can’t get a hold of him and wait. Finally I turn south, grab dinner and arrive at the house. It is not the time wasted as much as the gasoline and the inconsideration. If the guy thought he might not be able to show me the truck today, tell me in advance or at least answer the phone.
If he calls Monday, I will probably tell him I am not interested. I think I have better things to do with my time.