A Warm Wind Is Blowing
I installed the weather station in a temporary location on the farm. You can view it at: Weather .
I will have to place it up higher because I have some trees a bit too close which can affect the wind speed and direction readings. One better place to put it is above he roof, however it is a metal roof and that can add heat to the temperature readings.
I also am limited as to how far fromĀ the house I can place the unit. The sending unit communicated via 900 mhz radio link to a unit inside, which then uses wifi to connect to my router and send data out to the internet. The unit in the house requires 120 volts and although I could place it some where else on the property, it makes sense to leave that receiver in the house.
The sending unit also has to be somewhat accessible as the rain gauge part needs to be cleaned out periodically.
There is a link on the weather page to have a webcam, but sinc it took me 15 years to get around to putting up a weather station, I wouldn’t hold your breath on a webcam!