Two Resorts
There are two resorts in my town.
The first is an all-inclusive one. You pay a higher fee, but parking is included, meals are included, the spa is included, the pool is included, even a gratuity is tacked on to the price you pay. Well you get the idea, you don’t need to worry about any extra fees.
Then there is the other resort. If you don’t have a car (some people come by taxi) then you don’t pay for parking. If you want to eat in town you can do so because you are not paying for dinners at the resort you are not eating. If you want your shoes shined, you pay, otherwise you don’t. If you want premium movies you pay extra. If you want late checkout, there is a fee. If you don’t want to swim with dolphins, you don’t pay for it.
So when I choose a place to stay, I choose the second resort. I realize that some of my money goes towards subsidizing things that other people are using, but why pay for everything that I don’t want to use?
Imagine going to shop for salad items in a supermarket and having to pay for carrots because some people want or need carrots in the diet but you don’t.
There is a large portion of the people in our country who feel that people like me should subsidize many items of the rest of the country. On this I have a differing opinion.
When I worked for a living, I stockpiled vacation, I worked lots of overtime and weekends, so that I could take the time needed if I got sick. I put extra money in the bank for my future. I acted on the premise that I would have to look after myself in my old age and that Social Security would not be enough.
I took advantage of sales and set aside money too. I did without in the early years to become self-sufficient.
There are some who will say that I was privileged. Those who know me, know that my family has had many challenges over the years. Sitting back and saying “woe is me” was not an option.
A couple decades ago I watched a large portion of my retirement fund dissolve away. It was my own fault, but I took that lesson to heart and won’t let it happen again.
Although I attended a number of colleges I never did get a degree. I have worked many jobs, stretching my abilities with each new one. If there was a better job in another town or state, I moved. Many times I told the interviewer that although I had little to no experience in that job, I was willing to give it my all.
So that is my story in a nutshell. We have some choice as to which path we take in life. This has been mine. As they say “Your mileage may differ!”