
Today was Originally Posted on June 9, 2014 by

It’s a long story but I will make it brief.

I am heading to Oahu for what was to be a minor procedure for a problem I have had since my heart surgery. In fact, probably a lot longer than that, but it became a big problem in January.

One of my “numbers” was very high and the doctors were worried about the possibility of kidney problems, but that number came down quickly after getting a catheter. The doctors scheduled me for a prostate (TURP) procedure, but then decided that they would do an exploratory today and reschedule me for the operation in a couple weeks.

I say “doctors” because when I was on Oahu last time, the urologist saw me and scheduled the operation for sometime before today, but he was going to a conference for a few weeks so had me see a urologist from Maui. That doctor schedule the operation for today but then the 1st doctor is back in town and after consultation, they decided to postpone the actually operation, as I said.

However, both doctors want to be in on the investigative procedure today because they are not sure which will be doing the actual operation. I feel so tended to :-)

For those in the states, this is Kaiser, who has a big hospital on Oahu (Honolulu) and clinics scattered around the other islands. Part of your care involves them flying you to their hospital if you need to be there. If you need to have a companion accompany you they pay for that too. That person might go shopping in Honolulu or lie on the beach while you have an operation, kinda a free mini-vacation or shopping trip.

I don’t have a companion to accompany me on this trip, and because they will be sedating me with a general, they will admit me and keep me overnight.

Since he trip is on a commercial flight (Hawaiian Air), I have already added my frequent flier number to the PNR. I might as well get miles fro the trip even though I didn’t pay for it. The miles go to the flier, not the person paying.