Things Are Jumping!
Things Are Jumping! was Originally Posted on October 15, 2008 by lavarock
Things are jumping!
I am at the office and saw a pod of spinner dolphin swim by. You can tell they are spinners when they jump out of the water and, well, spin! The guests marvel at the sight, but although I am always impressed, we see them often enough.
My pump came in for the water catchment system, but was slightly damaged in transit. The company I ordered it through is requesting a new pump.
I don’t have a quote yet, but will have someone installing the pump and water lines soon. Then it is getting the roof and gutters replaced and I can order dirt and start planting.
I really am trying to get the coffee in the ground before the end of the year. I need the water system working to do that. Oh it would be very easy to throw money at the project but without money to throw, I have to juggle things a bit.
I have some orders for coffee, but have none roasted at the moment.
Koa continues to want to play fetch and/or catch all his waking hours. A problem appears to be that he does not want to venture off the lanai to go to the bathroom, unless I go play first. This sets a bad precident and is behavior I also see at 3 in the morning when he needs to go out. He will whine some, so I wake up, put him on the lanai and he sits or lies there and only after a while will venture down and go. I try to doze in the chair near the door so I can hear him bound up the stairs or whine again.
I finally finished my taxes (from April) and today is the deadline to mail them, although I’m not too worried, they owe ME money, but I want to get the request in for that free gov’ment money heading my way The free handout is like the free government cheese giveaway, except there is no cheese, only dollars.
Actually, Koa loves cheese, so free cheese would not be that bad either.
Until next time…