The Rest of the Trees, Just Not Restful
The Rest of the Trees, Just Not Restful was Originally Posted on March 20, 2009 by lavarock
After the wind last night, I put the trees back in the truck and left them there; ready to move the truck to save the trees. The wind stopped and I had a somewhat restful sleep. However, it was short lived.
I set the alarm for 5:30 am so I could do a few tasks before Stu got here. Stu was bringing the 1060 mature trees. As I went outside I notic a big problem. My 10′ by 10′ canopy had bee ndestroyed by the wind. This is a popup canopy I bought to use at the farmers Market and cost about $80 a couple years ago. I had set it up to cover the valves and parts that were being put in the trench. It was tristed and the fabric ripped, and totally unusable anymore.
Then Stu and his wife brought the 1060 mature trees and my friend and I helped unload and stage them. This is a photo of the 1060 trees delivered today.
style=”width: 400px; height: 300px;” alt=”mature trees”
Most of the PVC is connected and now has the control wires in it. This will allow me to control the water valves on each zone. A side effect was that I got way too much sun and kept waiting on an afternoon sprinkle which never materialized.
In celebration of the tree delivery, it was lunch at manago Hotel. Those who have visited the island may know of the place. I had a wonderful terri beef plate with the world-famous potato salad on the side, rice and beans.
I’m off to Kona tomorrow for my part-time job. I hope I am not as sore tomorrow as tonight!