The Mountain
The Mountain was Originally Posted on June 23, 2012 by lavarock
Yesterday, I brought O`Lena, the puppies and Koa down off the “mountain” to my farm. O`Lena is not in the whelping box every minute now, but is still caring for the puppies quite well.
I received the front and rear ATV baskets I ordered and will have to make a few adjustments to get them on the ATV. Being generic they have fasteners which don’t quite fit my needs. Still, they were much cheaper than specific ones for my ATV.
Speaking of the ATV, I went to my neighbors to deliver some material for their coffee spray. The ATV makes it much more cost-efficient than driving the truck down there. While I was there I was reminded that I promised to bring a raw, meaty bone for their dog, so back to the house I went. I got an order of bones from the coop and we had a “ton” of meat that we cut up and sorted on Thursday. The total delivery was over 725 pounds of meat and bones!
When I got back I was invited to go pick some mountain apple, a fruit known by many different names. The fruit looks like a red fig or slim pear and these were a couple inches long. The taste is a bit sweet with a texture and taste not unlike a ripe pear. They make jams out of it with some brown sugar. Further info may be had at Wikipedia.
Being away a week with the canine delivery, I cannot say what is happening with the coffee and fruit here on the farm. Actually, with 1600 coffee trees and 130+ fruit trees, I guess it is more of an orchard. An orchard refers to fruit trees and coffee certainly qualifies, what with its coffee cherry. The interesting fact is that unlike other fruit, we throw the fruit part away and use the seed. There are some people using the cherry part for a beverage with health claims, but I am sure they are adding sugar or something else to it.
I still need to work on the website vfro the puppies and take some betetr photos. I’m working on it though, just slowly.
Seconds after I posted this I received a text message that my two Amazon orders have been delivered t othe post office box. One is a book recommended by a fellow blogger and the other is a wifi dongle I can use with my Obi202. Looks like a trip to Captain Cook (a few miles away) is in order. Perhaps I will get lunch and bring it back. It is starting t orain again and it looks like I cannot help my neighbor move mulch today. Instead I’ll clean blankets to go in the whelping box. Now that I think of it, I may need to buy a few, so it may be a further trip into Kailua-Kona for that and some cheap towles (easier to remove and launder than the quilt/blanket underneath). Oh, decisions, decisions.