The Good, The Bad and The Unfortunate
The Good, The Bad and The Unfortunate was Originally Posted on May 23, 2006 by lavarock
A friend and coworker from my previous job came and stayed for 2 weeks. We “did” the island, driving to and fro and taking photos all over the island.
He had a chance to meet many of our Kona Coffee Farmers and even briefly toyed with the idea of joining our ranks in growing some of the best coffee in the world.
Some of the things he was able to do in his short visit, was to hike into a valley, drive into the clouds (and almost play in the snow), he did a bit of snorkling, lots of shopping and saw authentic hula. We saw some lava flows, but they were not too impressive, but lava none-the-less. He saw rain forests, lava flows, expensive houses next to shacks. Although he wanted to kyack at Kealakekua Bay, he settled for a horseback ride into Waipio Valley. he also set a few days aside to shop and relax. I have to believe it was a very enjoyable vacation and am glad be was able to experience a great first Hawaiian trip!
While he was here, we drove up to get my truck inspected in a yearly safty inspection. I found out that my registration had lapsed and realized that Hawaii, unlike Georgia, does not have your registration expire on your birthday. Yesterday, I took my title and insurance papers up into Kona but got there too late to register the vehicle. Then I got pulled over and ticketed for it. It might cost up to $70 but I’m hoping the judge takes pity on this poor farmer. If you want to help me make a few dollars so I can afford the ticket, you are welcome to visit http://ItsKona.Com and use the KEYCHAIN code at checkout to save 10% and get a free keychain. It is 100% Kona Coffee by the way.
I also had a massive disk drive failure and am trying to recover it as I write this. The drive was too large to easily back it up, so I may have lost many installed programs and 3 years or more of archived email. It appears as though I recoved thousands of my digital photos because in the recent move I may have lost the last DVD of them {sigh}.
Then I was asked to help recover data from a disk where a security program was installed. The program is quite difficult to remove (Cyber Trio). I can get at the data but I can’t run the installed programs to access the data. The program is not installed properly and Packard Bell does not offer it anymore, thus I can’t get a copy to install and then properly remove. Little information is online and most users reformatted the drive to remove the failing software. It only runs under Windows 95 and makes a desktop and environment whereby the user cannot run non-enabled programs. The original owner of the system passed away and the family is needs access to many of the account numbers and passwords on the system.
On the local front, the weather is nice, the pace – pretty slow (especially if you are dodging police cars) and thank goodness the 24 and Idol hype will soon be over. I hear they are TV shows…
Don’t forget that coffee special, the discount will soon be gone and I’ll have to crank up the price to cover my ticket and new disk drive