The Fax Ma`am, Just The Fax!
The Fax Ma`am, Just The Fax! was Originally Posted on July 8, 2012 by lavarock
My friend gave me a fax machine that seems to grab paper but seems to send fine. So here is what I did.
I directed my old phone number to it. That is the phone number that gets all the telemarketer calls and the ones that say they are a political survey but then try to sell you a cruise.
For inbound faxes, I found a free telephone number that is local to all of New York City. They will answer my fax calls, convert the faxes to a PDF and email me the file.
I can make the fax machine report that NY phone number if I send a fax.
I am not sure why people keep paying for things when this technology stuff CAn be free, if you know the right way to do it.
also, I am working with a friend in california who only has a cellphone at his house. he has an old adapter that we can use to give him phone service but there is a quandry. If we use his free adapter, the services that work with that for outbound calling, charge per minute. If he buys a $50 adapter from another company, he can use GoogleVoice and get free long distance.
Either way it will cost his something, but he is thinking about which service he should get. I suggest the second because if his relatives and friends (like me) have similar adapters, they can talk amongst themselves for free.
By the way, if someone has a rental unit somewhere with high speed internet as a perk of the rental, one of these boxes can give guests free telephone calls in the US or very cheap international calls. You can even restrict what countries they can call or let them use their own PayPal account and let they call whomever they want (so you don’t pay for any international calls). Then again, Scotland is like 30 cents for 40 minutes, not high enough to break anyones bank.