The Cold Shoulder
The Cold Shoulder was Originally Posted on April 1, 2013 by lavarock
I am still trying to decide if I want to get an MRI for my shoulder. I injured my rotator cuff a while back and still have pain, especially in the morning. I have most of the movement except I can feel the bones slip if I get in just the right position. That position also carries pain.
With my medical plan it is easy to get the MRI and the operation, but the recovery will be long and it will interfere with many things on the farm. I won’t be able to mow the field and it looks like driving will be difficult too. They incapacitate your arm for weeks.
It also will interfere with my raising of puppies and that I was hoping to do to create some extra income this year.
One thing making the pain worse, especially in the morning, is the cold. Outside this morning it was 52 degrees and inside temperature was 63. I have an electric blanket but can’t use it now because the dogs sleep on the bed. In fact, if I get up in the middle of the night and come back to bed, my warm spot has been taken by a dog and they lie so I have to scrunch up in a ball to find a spot for myself. Just try moving two 70 pound dogs in the middle of the night when you can’t move your shoulder much.