The Best Laid Plans
The Best Laid Plans was Originally Posted on February 26, 2005 by lavarock
I had planned to go into town this weekend to get a refrigerator but I had a visit yesterday from the man whose family picks my orchard. He wondered if he could come pick macadamia nuts soon and Saturday would be the best for me. I have to use the backpack blower to clear away the laves so his family can easily find the treasure. They get paid per bag picked, so it is only right that I make it as easy as I can for them.
In a quirk of fate, I found myself with some extra Full City Plus (Dark Roast). That means it is DISCOUNT TIME over at my ItsKona.Com website. If you ever wanted to try it, now is a great time
I keep thinking that I should start selling in stores. Ther are a couple here that do not requite a UPC code, and since I may have a few extra bags of coffee available…
Did you see my photo of me up on Mauna Kea in the snow? If you missed the slideshow, it is at
Today was a hectec day. I blew the leaves off part of the property and then headed north. After a stop at the post office, where I received a nice check, I heade to the hotel to say “hi” to some frineds and drop off two avocados. I ran by the printer to pick up my new “Blue Ribbon Award” stickers for my coffee bags. Then to COSTCO for gas and lunch. I also bought a pair of shorts that was on sale. Heading back south, I went to Radio Shack for a small equipment fan, the ATM for some cash to pay the pickers, then to Wal-Mart for an extension cord and some screws. Then next door to Safeway for water and soda. I was going to buy some beets (I like beets is why), but the price was a bit too high for me. I stopped across the street from Safeway and Wal-Mart at the Lowes to look at refrigerators and buy a piece of wood for a project. Then heading towards home it was a quick stop by Subway. I chatted with the girls there for a few minutes. Then a quick stop by Ace Hardware for a couple things and next door to Choice Mart for some frozen dinenrs. Finally I arrived back at the house and made a couple phone calls and finally had 1/2 the sub for dinner. The only reason I mention all this is because SOME PEOPLE think all I do is sit around the house. While that is true most days, I HAVE to at least LOOK like it is not true
Well, as I said, tomorrow is mac nut picking day. I need to sign off and get some sleep as the morning will come quick enough and I have to stop by the Post Office before 11am to drop off some coffee shipments.