The Beatles Present Yesterday and Imagine
The Beatles Present Yesterday and Imagine was Originally Posted on September 25, 2011 by lavarock
Yesterday I drove into town early. I took a few photos of the puppies before 2 left for the airport. It is funny because two different families will arrive at Hawaiian Air cargo at the same time and be confronted with 2 shipping crates, each with a yellow Lab puppy inside. They will chat and compare pups and see that both pretty much look identical (they are littermates after all).
I imagine the families will exchange names and phone numbers since they live so close to each other and the pups may have a great opportunity to visit each other for play dates. I also imagine that if one family goes on vacation, the other family might take care of the dog.
The dogs may well spend years near each other. I however, the one who delivered them, may only hear once or twice how they are doing.
I have to admit that after performing all the deliveries in the past year, I can’t keep them all straight. Then again I forget names of people I should remember, so it is not much surprise.
By 8:45 am I was off to a meeting about the coffee cherry borer beetle and ways to protect the coffee beans. That was a 2 hour seminar at a neighboring farm. I also gave a couple tours as I have done in the past. The current and previous owner don’t mind. I’d like to be giving tours of my farm, however it is not in the best “visiting” location and parts of the driveway are 4-wheel drive. Perhaps I can give walking tours.
I helped my friend transfer some data to her new computer. This is the 3rd generation of systems and we keep copying files and installing software each time she upgrades.
Then I was back to the house to run the dogs and feed them and perform some computer work of my own.