The 10% Solution
The 10% Solution was Originally Posted on September 10, 2012 by lavarock
We Kona Coffee farmers strive to to educate the public. A 10% Kona Blend contains only 10% Kona and usually 90% non-American coffee. In fact, China is a new coffee growing areas but their product is a low grade arabica grown with lots of chemicals. Viet Nam is the second largest producer of coffee after Brazil.
People believe that by having the Kona name in a coffee product will increase sales. It does because people are fooled that they can taste 10% smooth quality coffee in 90% not-as-smooth product.
Safeway Supermarkets has been sued with a class action suit because a consumer relied upon the packaging that their Kona Coffee had Kona in it and they paid a premium for that taste. Turns out their Kona Coffee Blend had less than 10% Kona because when contacted, their representative said the thought they could raise the amount to 10%.
I recently bought some cranberry coctail juice at a warehouse club. When I got it home and read the ingredients closely, cranberry juice was the third juice listed in order of quantity on the label. BOO! At best it could have 33% or less of cranberry juice. Other juice products may only contain 10% juice and the rest is sugar water.
So when you buy a product, make sure you know what is in the product and where it is from.