
Sweet! was Originally Posted on June 3, 2010 by

While cutting weeds with the tractor/mower today, I happened under the mango tree.

I picked a fairly ripe one and just enjoyed it tonight. It could have been a bit riper, yet was still sweet. Of course, those who know mangos, know that the pit is a major part of the fruit. Also, the skin can iritate some peoples skin.

Some mangos are a bit stringy and these are in that group.

As an aside, my dog Koa was named for 3 things:

1) Koa means fearless (although he is still working on that one :-)

2) Koa is a prized brown wood here in the islands and Koa is a chocolate Labrador

3) Finally, KOA is also the 3 letter initials for our airport

Thus Koa was an appropriate and great choice for his name.

I was still working on dog names for my new girl dog and so far people are agreeing that O’lena is a good name which is a yellow. It refers to a yellow dye and a tree on Kauai with yellow wood. There is a version of the word, lena, which also means yellow but includes a reference to the star Sirius. As you may know, Sirius is also known as the “dog star”!

I think I found my name!