About Us

I try to keep prices low and offer a great customer experience. It may take a day or so for me to ship your order as our Post Office is not next door. Also, I may have to roast your order or other issue.

I ship by USPS and most orders go out Priority Mail so that you can track the order and you will have fast delivery. Should you have special shipping needs, please contact me.

I have a toll-free number 877-ITS-KONA (877-487-5662) available for your use. Remember that Hawaii is either 5 or 6 hours earlier than Eastern time (we don’t do daylight savings time).

When you create an account in the shopping cart, I collect your name, address, telephone number and email information. I also collect a shipping address if different from your address on record. I do not sell, rent or use that information other than to process your order.

If you have the Newsletter option enabled I may send you a copy of my newsletter and/or sale information. So far I have never sent more than 4 mailings a year and I don’t intend to send more than that. I use MailChimp, so that you can easily unsubscribe at any time. There is a link in each newsletter mailing.

You have an option of paying for your products using a PayPal account or by charging a credit card or paying by check debit. Your credit card information is not entered on my website. You are transferred to either PayPal or other credit card processor to enter your data. I do not have any way of seeing your card information and it is not stored on my system. Your transactions are encrypted with an SSL security certificate and it is of the letest encryption standards.

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