Sigh! The List
Sigh! The List was Originally Posted on January 2, 2013 by lavarock
I wish I had made a list this time.
I got ready for the KonaWeb picnic today. I packaged some coffee, got together some liguid samples and sample cups, packed the hot dogs, ketchup, relish and mustard, got the buns, loaded the grill on the truck after checking it and then headed to the orchard. I picked some lemons, tangerines (2 varieties), some figs and a Kabocha squash and headed to town. I headed to the old airport and was able to secure a pavilion large enough for our group. I hunkered down and awaited the first arrivals. It was then that I realized that I forgot the main reason for going to the orchard in the first place. That was to pick and take a rollinia that is so ripe that another day will probably be too late.
As I left the picnic I also realized that the kabucha squash is still in the truck and I forgot to take it out.
I don’t think it is Alzheimers, rather, I just try t odo too much and didn’t make a list. I usually try to make a mental list but sometimes my mental pen runs out of ink.
When I was a DJ, I would write my “patter” down and time it to ensure it would fit between the records in the time I allotted. I also do the same thing when I am calling a service line or making a call to the bank and so on. I do this to ensure I phrase things the way I want and cover the items I want to. I also do this (as people are advised) when I go to the doctor. I have to laugh though. The last time I went to the doctor it was for my rotator cuff injury. I had lots of data such as which way I moved my arm t omake the pain betetr, what medicines seemed to help and which ones didn’t, whether cold or warmth helped, etc. Then the doctor hit me with a question that I could not answer. It was simply “what were you doing when the injury happened?”. “Ahhh, ummmm, I don’t remember” I stammered. “It was over a month ago and I just don’t remember what I was doing”.
Sometimes those lists just don’t help.