Sad News
Sad News was Originally Posted on January 11, 2012 by lavarock
I returned home today and found an email from someone I worked with. A friend of mine committed suicide today after a few months of depression.
I had spoken to him a few days ago and he sounded sad or tired, but I thought nothing much of it, other to call again in a few days.
I’ve talked to him every couple of weeks for many years and had no clue.
It is impossible for me to guess what his issues were, whether his “retirement” from our previous company, or personal problems or a medical condition. We may never know.
The upsetting statistic is that over one million people die by suicide every year. That is a million too many.
I have many mixed feelings about this. I’m shocked to hear the news. I’m sad that he could find no other way, I’m mad that he was not able to talk to me about this, but I understand that might have been difficult as we don’t like to show our weaknesses to others. I’m upset that I could not say goodbye.
Although late, let me say it now.
Randy, you were a great coworker and friend though the years. I’m glad that you had a chance to visit my world out here and I enjoyed our talks on the phone, if only to pass the time of day. Your family, friends and those who knew you, will miss you greatly.
I am grateful I had known you.