Recent Events
After many years I decided to buy a used weather station. I am in process of putting it in its permanent location but first have to replace a broken wing vane.
I am still waiting on my solar panels to arrive. A recent emails says it is still being held for shipment. I decided to try using low-cost UPSs (Uninterruptible Power Supplies) as my battery backup to see if that will work.
I bought saw blades to better cut weeds at both farms. The Ebay seller requires a physical address, but the blades came in a USPS Flat Rate envelope that would have been appropriate being shipped to my PO box than my farm. My farm mailbox is rarely used as it is not convenient and far from the house.
The bathroom at the other farm is finished and the stove installed. I have to post a giveaway entry on Craigslist to get rid of the old stove.
I will try to get the tractor over there soon as I want to mow part of the farm. The problem is the area I need to get to has a wall and drop off and I have not found the perfect way to get the tractor to it. I have to be careful on any kind of slope or drop that I don’t tip over. I am considering building a short ramp with rocks and sand, both of which are in abundance over there. The police issued a notice that tractors should not be driven on the highway, but some of us do it anyway. The stretch I travel is about 1/4 mile or so with a shoulder in many places to pull over. There is a 35 MPH speed limit where I need to drive and I can get my speed up to about 18 MPH. I get someone to drive behind me with flashers on and pull over if there are vehicles starting to back up. I cross my fingers I won’t get a ticket. A trailer capable of hauling the tractor and mower is many thousands of dollars and I would not be using it often. There is no one nearby with one I can borrow.
I am preparing to have my outside steps replaced, the bathroom downstairs fixed, the old garage torn down and some other things. Soon I’ll tackle the kitchen and upstairs bathrooms. When the garage is removed I’ll replace it with a simple building to be used as a nursery and processing area. I’m not quite sure exactly how I’ll use the building which is why I have not yet started that project.
I have not yet decided if I will attend my High School reunion this year. I am waiting to see where my Mom will be at the end of this month. Traveling to either place is going 1/4 way around the world.
Remember that cellphone that got drenched in the ocean? I was unable to get it working again. I was going to try replacing the battery but after taking it apart last time and putting it back together, some of the screws got damaged or corroded. In any event, they don’t want to come back out. It was a $200 phone so I guess it could have been worse.
There was plant sale this past weekend but I decided not t ogo. It would have been a 60 mile trip each way and I’m not ready to plant anything else right now. In fact I am trying to grow some replacement coffee trees for my farm.