
Powerball was Originally Posted on December 1, 2012 by

I didn’t play, so I could not have won. However, I have a friend who lives in Fountain Hills AZ, where one person did win. I called my friend and he answered the phone. That assured me that HE did not win either, otherwise the phone would have already been disconnected or unanswered.

I have played lotteries before and won some, but never big. I have actually won more in a casino that I did in a lottery. Actually in a Keno game (very similar to a lottery) I ended up winning $1200 which required me to pay taxes on the winnings.

So by now you may have heard stories about what people do with winning. If I had won the big prize I would have used some to fix up the farm. I don’t know if I would have moved or rented out the property to someone who would care for it. I also don’t think I would have moved from the islands. I like it here and am happy to stay. I would get the family to come visit and some money would go to them. I have a few pet non-profits I support, but none of the money would go to a political party or candidate. I also would take possession of the money before the new year because you never know what the politicians will do to taxes.

I would invest in some companies I believe in, but would not buy one; at least none that I can think of. I do have a few ideas for companies and products that I would fund.

Currently I invest in micro loans, although I don’t have much invested. Even so, my return right now is 8% which is fairly good as it is pretty safe and consistent. I would loan lots more because many people are getting loans to consolidate and pay off their high credit card rates with a lower rate. That is a win-win both for the person and the investor.

I would throw money at the registration of “Kona Coffee” so that the blenders could not use the name to cheat customers.

In fact, I might offset the price of real Kona Coffee for a while so that customers would pay the same price for Real Kona as they currently pay for a blend. That way the public could see just how better the real thing is.

I would set up a bar or soda fountains where I could have ice cream and soda at my command. I would NOT buy lots of cars as some rich people do.

I am known to analyze things quite a bit so I don’t think I would get taken in by scams and bad investments. I had a bad stock purchase once and am more careful now to cover myself.

They say to never invest in something that you don’t understand, and I subscribe to the idea to never buy Halloween candy that you would not eat yourself. That covers you in case you don’t give it all out.

As for relatives, yes they would get money, bacause it is pretty easy to determine who is and isn’t. Also, my family is a lot smaller than the Kennedy’s :-)

As for friends, that is a bit stickier. I would give money to those friends who had helped me in the past. I also would be amicable to handing out money to those who have kept in touch over the years. As I am pretty easy to find in search engines, those friends and acquaintances who have not been in touch in the past 10 years, get nothing. That makes it easy to determine who also :-)

So that is how I would handle it. Most of it goes into investments.

If I was really evil, I would leave a lot to my dogs and the bulk of the estate would not be specified. That way all the relatives would have to fight over the millions and billions and the lawyers would get the bulk of the money. After all THEY need it more than anyone else :-)