Picture This
Picture This was Originally Posted on January 24, 2012 by lavarock
I am trying to consolidate my numerous photos, file them and tag them and then find a spot to post them. I have a photo website with various photos, but only a smidgen of the ones I have.
Someone once told me the difference between an amateur and a professional photographer is, the amteur will show you EVERY PHOTO they have ever taken. The professional just shows you the best ones :-).
Although the real difference may be whether you get paid for the photos, in any event, I have soldsome of my photos before. Some of the best are the last photo on a roll of film or taken a second before the event changes and is not interesting.
I took a photo once of the “Enterprise” shuttle landing at Dulles Airport on the back of a 747. There is an SST taking off behind the shuttle.
Another shot was of leaves on a pond and was the last shot before I ran out of film (Film was a temporary one-use memory card of sorts
Some of my pohotos are on display at: http://phiotos.itskona.com however only a few photos are there. The farm photos were displayed for access by someone else. I actually have a series to upload showing the transition of macadamia nut trees to cleared land, to coffee and fruit trees to finished products.
I have perhaps 3000 or more photos to go through and some may need to be cropped or adjusted for contrast, etc. Perhaps when I get some time…