Pain was Originally Posted on February 28, 2009 by lavarock
In preparation of the guy hooking up my irrigation on Tuesday, I moved my outdoor canopy to the middle of the property. It has been up by the upper water tanks where I was keeping the lawn mower. I got the thing all moved and as it is a 10′ by 10′ size, its legs fit perfectly into holes I had dug for the coffee trees. Because tha tarea can be slightly windy, I also anchored the feet with some rocks. I finished at 7pm. At 10pm I heard on the weather report that we are expecting very high winds, up to 50 mph gusts. I was back out at the site 10 minutes later (headlights shinging) and I disassembled the canopy and took it to the house.
I was hoping to give the guy some shelter from the sun and have a place I could lay out the irrigation parts where they are protected from the sun. Granted, most are PVC and probably all are outdoor rated, but still, it seemed a simple thing to do to have a place where everything was laid out.
I don’t know what or how, but I seem to have injured myself within the past couple of days. I think it is the iliopsoas muscle or something quite close to it. In the area below my hip and on the front of my leg, whenever I move in just the wrong way, I get a searing pain and the area turns numb for a while. At first I thought I was stung by a bee because I was near the hives, but seems not. I’ve done a bit of reading on this and cold compresses may help (much as I hate cold vrs hot compresses). I should see the doctor but I have so much going on in the next week or so, that it makes it difficult.
I have to get ready for work today up in town. I’ll post more tonight perhaps. Next week is a killer for projects!