
The other day I noticed a bolt loose on the mower so off to town for parts. At some time I hope to just have someone weld the adjustable part of the mower. I don’t adjust it and because it has bolts they give me issues.

So I got the thing fixed and then when I was mowing today the front tire deflated on the rim. I found the Schrader valve gasket was bad. As I removed it the body fell inside the tire and even fishing with a magnet have not been able to extract it.

I have two new tires so perhaps it is time t ohave them mounted and start using them. I have a couple extra rims here and will have to see which ones are in the best shape. It will still take me a few days to get this fixed.

I would have liked to use the ATV to go back and forth to work on the tractor/mower but my ATV is another story. I lost the ignition key quite a while back so it just sat. Then acouple weeks ago I decided to order a replacement ignition and key. I put them in a week ago and the ATV started but had to put clean fuel in it. It had gunk in the tank a while back but is now clean. It needs a fuel filter added which was not a part of the original equipment. So it was almost running good and I took it up the property and on the way back it stopped. The carburetor need a small adjustment and I had run the battery down. I put it on the charger overnight and now I hear the solenoid click but it does not try to turn over. Either the relay is bad or perhaps the wires to the starter or the starter itself. SO that is a project for yet another day.

I am just so tired or swapping one problem for another. I could driv the truck up there to grab the cellphone I left or I guess I can walk. The exercise would be good, but as I am getting older, it is not the best of ideas without a cellphone. So of course I’ll walk up there without a cellphone. I used t odrink from the garden hose, how bad can walking be?