Old Friends, New Friends
Old Friends, New Friends was Originally Posted on May 13, 2004 by lavarock
In our lives, we meet many people, some become friends, some just acquaintances. Sometimes it takes years to deterimine which they are.
When I was in High School, I attended a military academy in Virginia. I made a number of friends while there who have remained friends all along; and it has been a long, long time!
I also made friends with a number of administrators and teachers. I would bet that most people hardly remember the high school they attended, and probably have less chance of remembering most teachers in the school. Some of these people are still working at my school! Years ago I learned why. It seems that they were hired directly out of teachers college and thus, we were their first students. We treated them with respect however.
During my recent alumni meeting, I had an opportunity of visiting with these same teachers and also my fellow graduates.
I donated some coffee for the schools silent auction and I was also pleasantly surprised to win the award for having come the furthest to the gathering.
On a sadder note, I was reminded of fellow students, school officials and past students who have lost their life over the years. The school also has a wall of names of students who left the military academy fro a real tour of duty and gave their lives in service.
Six years of memories came flooding back as I watched the parade of cadets pass by. I also realized that some of the people I saw this trip might be gone by the time I return.
On the trip back, I found myself about 3,000 feet from where my Father is buried. The cemetary was closed so I will have to stop another time.
I made plans to visit with all of my friends back in Washington DC, but missed at least 6 people I really wanted to see again. I’ll have to call them soon and visit by phone.
On the other hand, I have been meeting a lot of new people and making new friends. One way is through the KonaWeb group which meets in other cities and here in Kona (thus the name). It is comprised of people interested in kona or on their way to be residents. Between the picnics and musical get-togethers and offers of help on projects, my range of friends has increased greatly!
This afternoon I gave a talk to a group of farmers about the options they have for online stores and shopping carts.
Speaking of shopping carts, I am having a problem with 2 shipping modules and can’t find the problem. I also have to finally do something about those “pesky” coffee bag labels. Currently I am still printing them on my inkjet printer.
I received some great news today. My agent said that the last hurdle was eliminated and I should now be able to go to closing! That means that soon I can start propagating about 5,000 plants and clearing 5 acres of land. NOW the fun begins!!!
Last night I broke down and voted for one of the American Idols. My voting is secret, but I CAN hint that she lives in Hawaii…
Until next time!