Not Spiderman…
Not Spiderman… was Originally Posted on January 25, 2004 by lavarock
You may be a neophyte or love pain, but I am not and do not! Over the years 2 things really irk me. I am about ready to take action!
The first is X10 ads. I know, they sell great stuff and I have purchased hundreds of dollars worth of stuff from them, and will continue to buy from them. HOWEVER, those constant ads that pop up are quite annoying. YES, there is a way to visit their site and disable the popups for a month, but after 60 times of doing that, it gets to be a pain. I want a permanent solution. If I want their product, I’ll go get it. I know better than they do when I’m ready to buy!
The second irritation is damn FLASH popups. I do not have flash enabled. I don’t want flash enabled, most flash stuff is ads. Some are X10 ads. If a site can only be seen with flash, I won’t see it. Simple! The popups that I am speaking of are the “download flash” VARIETY. There are a few REALLY DIFFICULT WAYS of stopping the download message, but it is NOT the way to stop this crap! The best way is to have these companies STOP trying to FORCE me every few minutes to see their crap. They have Freedom of Speech, but I have the Freedom NOT TO LISTEN!
This strongarm treatment of “you will do things our way or not at all” is gonna have to stop!
Macromedia doesn’t care. They will tell you that you just need to install their software and then disable it or live with it. I don’t care tyo have their software on my system, PERIOD. They will tell you that THEY are not the people doing the popups, but they also do not offer any way to keep from loading the software.
If you don’t believe me, go to GOOGLE.COM or METACRAWLER.COM and do a search on “diasble flash” and see how long people have been fighting with this.
The government has created a “DO NOT CALL LIST” to address unwanted telephone calls. The Direct Marketing Association has created a “DO NOT MAIL and DO NOT PHONE” listfor their members, because there were reegulations in the wings to force them to do something.
My opinion? It is Macromedia’s fault that you cannot set a permanent bit to disable the request to download their software (regardless of who does the popup ad). They MUST do this, or the next step is a class acrtion suit against Macromedia, citing their strongarm tactics, our lost time clicking “NO DON’T DOWNLOAD” buttons, and annoyance. I’m sure that a lawyer could word it better but I want something done, and done in a FLASH!