Sometimes milestones are exciting and sometimes not so much so.
I am awaiting a property inspection for my farm and I fear it will not go smoothly. With the hurricanes and massive rain on top of not having pickers and people available to manage cleanup on the farm, it has been in somewhat of a disrepair. I have hired workers to help but it is still a bit rough. I have an agreement for some guys to remove dead trees and clean out holes for planting but it has not happened yet. I was hoping to get this started before the inspection.
My farm is a leasehold and the lessor performs periodic inspections to ensure the farm is productive and reasonable well kept up. My lease is up and although it is not in jeopardy, they will probably hold off issuing the new lease for a while. The new lease will be for 30 or so years and takes a bit of worry off my back. Although complying with the lease restrictions is a hassle at times, it is less intrusive than many people have on the mainland with neighborhood associations and covenants.
Once the inspection is complete I can start installing my solar panels. I am holding off on that so I can spend all my free time getting the farm ready for inspection.
For many years I have had an account with Woot (a deal a day) site. Then Amazon bought them a number of years ago. Before the sale I had a few times I wanted to buy something and was stopped because of where I live. Now I find nothing I want to buy can be shipped to Hawaii. I just cancelled delivery of their newsletter. You may find items on Woot.Com which are fun and/or cheap, but I will stop looking because it appears, they don’t want me to have any more.
I am transitioning away from my Motorola cellphone. Yes, it was cheap but usable, however it also had its’ share of problems. The first one I bought had ‘ghost keyboard’ issues. That is, it would start opening screens, closing screens, dialing people, etc. I returned it to Costco and got another. It too developed the same problem, but I found if I turned down the screen brightness the problem stopped. That phone ended up in the Pacific due to my standing in the wrong spot at the wrong time. I found a replacement on Amazon that was cheaper as long as I put up with an advertisement on the lock screen. I got that deal and never looked at the screen 🙂 Still, all told those two phones I bought cost a total of about $230, far less than other more expensive phones which might cost $300+ each. Now a friend has loaned me a Galaxy Note 5 but I will have to stop by Costco and get a new SIM as my old one doesn’t fit. This phone is limited in storage but will do until I decide which phone to get next.