Men and Women
Men and Women was Originally Posted on December 30, 2011 by lavarock
This will be a short posting because I don’t want to delve too deeply here, as it can only get me into trouble.
Although I have not read the book, I understand that “Men Are From mars, Women Are From Venus” describes what I have found. That is, if a woman has a problem, she wants to talk about it. Men will try to find a solution to fix it. Thus starts the conflict.
I cannot sit still for a long time listening to a problem without trying to find a solution to solve it. I just can’t. Usually there is a simple suggestion I want to make, but that is not what is being asked for. I’ll be told “You are not letting me finish” to which I think “I don’t need to hear anymore, I know what is wrong. I know how to fix it”.
I don’t understand the reason to talk and talk and talk in detail about a problem without just getting it fixed. The woman can’t understand my need to stop listening to excrusiating details about something and not try to address it.
This shows that we come to a problem with different expectations and you know what, I have a solution for that!