“Lucky We Live Hawaii”
“Lucky We Live Hawaii” was Originally Posted on April 23, 2012 by lavarock
We use an expression out here, “Lucky We Live Hawaii”. Today it really hits home because although I was a bit chilled last night, it was nothing like they had in the NorthEast mainland. Overnight some of them got snow!
It was cold here and I was under blankets, but that happens anytime the overnight temps drop below 70. While many of you snicker, remember that many houses out here (mine included) have no insulation or storm windows. In fact, my bedroom windows are Jalousie windows, those horizontal slats of glass that open out and upward. They allow the windows to be left open in the rain but offer no real security or the ability to tightly seal the window from drafts.
Another issue is that if I forget to open the windows in the morning, the temperature in the room can vary from below 70 to above 90 later in the day when the sun shines brightly and heats things up.
So, I’m not complaining, just mentioning that our issues here are different from other places.