Lies or Racism?

Lies or Racism? was Originally Posted on September 15, 2009 by

I usually stay away from politics in my blog, but am confused and dismayed, so will offer my opinion (and it is only my OPINION, since I know few of the facts).

Let’s take two recent news items and look at them.

The President gives a speech to Congress and Rep. Joe Wilson (a member of the opposite party) hollers “You Lie” at him. It is obvious to me that Joe did this on the spur of the moment. He soon (although with prodding) apologized to the President. The President accepted it and said “Let’s move on”. Days later, the same member is publically rebuked by his peers. This appears to have been done just after he refused to apologize in front of them. He felt he had apologized enough and that this was just heaping on by the opposite party. The vote was generally along party lines, however some Democrats and some Republicans broke ranks.

I think the rebuke was too much, but the powers that be decided to make a statement that the office of the President should be respected and I can imagine that this rebuke would have come from the Republicans if the President had been of their party.

Then we have the case of Kanye West making an inappropriate comment during an awards ceremony, completely direspecting someone who just won an award. He too apologized and there was talk (when last I left the news) that Kanye should be banned from these ceremonies based upon his past outbursts.

I have glossed over the full details and names, because it is not these events that give me cause to pause. Rather it is the followup.

In the case of Wilson, former President Carter now statess that Wilsons outburst is based upon racism and rooted in fears of a black President. HUH? I too feel that the President has lied, does that make me a racist? I also thought Bush and the other Bush and Kennedy and Nixon all lied at various times. Can I be a racist against my own? I cannot understand how Carter can base this on two words; unless there is a lot more to the story we don’t know.

The dictionary I use has the following definition for racism:

Racism -noun

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

So calling a person of another race a liar would fit into which of the above? I mean if you really think someone has lied, then this can be either proved, disproved. It is a question of facts.

Now in the case of Kanye, the President has been quoted as calling him a “jackass”. The President and Kanye are of the same race so no one will play the race card.

jackass -noun

1. a male donkey.

2. a contemptibly foolish or stupid person; dolt; blockhead; ass.

However, here you have two stories, with someone doing something inappropriate and offering an apology. Then you have people commenting on it. A person makes a statement which is based upon facts and may be investigated and a final outcome probably determined. he is called a racist and I don’t know why. Then you have a President making a subjective statement, jackass, and nobody calls him on it. We know that the entertainer is not a physical donkey, so he must be foolish, stupid or a dolt or blockhead. However, there is no fact process here, just the Presidents opinion, which may not be able to be proven one way or the other.

In my opinion, both Presidents are wrong for making their comments. The statement “You lie” does NOT mean that a person is a racist and President Obama has no proof that Kanye is a jackass (perhaps yet) and that is subject to interpretation.

Oftentimes when a black person is involved, someone will bring in the word RACIST. Based upon the above definition, I think they misuse the word. It is inflamatory and few call them on its use. Isn’t what they often mean is that the person is predjuced?

Prejudiced –noun

1. an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

2. any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.

3. unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, esp. of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group.

4. such attitudes considered collectively: The war against prejudice is never-ending.

5. damage or injury; detriment: a law that operated to the prejudice of the majority.

Oftentimes people mean that a person has pre-judged someone of another race without knowing them. That does not mean that they think they are superior to them, rather that they are bringing along excess baggage to the situation.

If I am walking through an area where people of a particular race commit a high number of crimes, and I walk on the other side of the street to avoid them, I am pre judging them without knowing that particular person. My action does not say whether that person may or may not commit crimes or be appropriate to hold office or is better than me, only that based upon my knowledge of past performance I am making a concious decision. If everytime you touch a stove, and you burn a finger, the next time you may believe that you will burn your finger if you touch a stove. THAT is pre judging a situation. You may be wrong but you are basing the action of past situations.

In the case of Rep Wilson, I think he would have called ANY President of the opposite party a liar, regardless of race. THAT is predjudice, not RACISM.