Lavarock’s Hawaii Blog
was Originally Posted on December 18, 2009 by lavarock
I just received some plush coffee beanies, but there is little time to list them on the website and get them in customers hands before the holidays.
I looked online and the Post Office thinks Priority Mail can be submitted days from now, but as we all know, Hawaii is 1/4 the way around the world from the East Coast. Thus I can’t guarantee delivery, but will do my best. I also weighed them and decided that I can them into a box at the same price as an envelope (that might squish them). The price I have online at the moment includes shipping and if someone buys two, there is even greater discount because they both still fit in the same size box and cost the same to ship. I’ll have to decide later their price if ordered with coffee. Shipping is always a problem because sometimes items fit in current shipments and sometimes they don’t. It is sometimes easier to just add 1/2 the shipping cost to an item. Half of the people may pay a bit extra above actual shipping and some might pay a bit less. For me the cost would probably even out over time. I hate paying more for shipping that it actually costs, and try never to do that to customers. My prices never include “handling” which nobody ever explains. I assume it covers boxes and tape, but that is part of a stores overhead.
So what are these things? Plush coffee bean figures, 9 inches long and very plush. They are quite cute too, if I do say so myself. There is a Hula girl and a guy in Hawaiian shorts showing the “shaka” sign.
You can also see them on the bottom of the shopping cart. Just go to http://ItsKona.Com, click on shop and there they are!