Kauai was Originally Posted on March 17, 2006 by lavarock
In the past few days, a number of developments have happened on Kauai.
Two bodies have been found, a man and a woman. They appear to have been swept away by the wall of water when the dam broke.
Although search and rescue crews and the Coast Guard scoured the area, no other bodies have been found. The search was called off.
A flash flood warning is still posted for the island. The Govenor issued an emergency proclamation, thus allowing officials to inspect all dams on the island. Many of them are on private land, thus this allows instant access without having to officially notify people there would be trespassers. In this case I cannot imagine anyone objecting, but the proclamation made it official.
Many of the dams on the island have been partially drained. At least on dam is still in danger of collapsing.
The missing appear to have been gathered at a house, which was in the way of the flood. A member of the ohana (family) issued a statement to the press. I think it speaks for itself and shows the way people handle grief out here. It is a well written and touching statement.
Fehring Family Releases Statement – The Fehring family has several members missing. The family released a statement to the media on Friday:
“On behalf of the Fehring Ohana, I wish to extend our heartfelt sympathy to the families and friends of those who were staying at our home on Wailapa Road in Kilauea, and who were, along with three members of our immediate family, apparently swept away by the massive wall of water, which resulted from the failure of the Ka Loko Reservoir dam. While our personal loss from this horrific event is devastating, we recognize that it is no greater a tragedy than others are experiencing at this time. We extend our sincere mahalo to those who have surrounded us with their blessings, support and understanding. We especially appreciate the diligence and determination of all those who continue to search for the missing, and the kind assistance of the personnel at Kauai Hospice, for which we will be forever grateful.
This will be our only public announcement, and we ask for the cooperation of all in respecting our privacy at this time and during the trying weeks and months ahead.
Mahalo nui loa, Bruce Fehring”