It’s Bugging Us
It’s Bugging Us was Originally Posted on April 24, 2012 by lavarock
It is bugging us that we cannot get funding to supply us with a working entomologist. An entomologist is a zoologist who focuses specifically on the study of insects. In fact, he/she doesn’t even have to be an expert in all insects, just one would do, the coffee borer beetle. He doesn’t even have to know anything about that beetle because we can teach him.
Along with every other coffee growing area in the world, we now have the beetle and are trying to fight it. We need help.
The pay appears to be small and it may be expensive to move here, but hey, the weather is great, the farmers easy t owork with and I think we can offer for free, all the Kona Coffee the guy can drink.
I think we might even be able to build a monument to the entomologist if desired.
Contact any Kona Coffee farmer for an application.