Good News, Bad News
Good News, Bad News was Originally Posted on April 17, 2004 by lavarock
Let’s play “Good News, Bad News”…
The good news is that I sold my home in Georgia.
The bad news is that I didn’t get what I wanted for it.
The good news is that I am done with that mortgage and have none here yet.
The bad news is that I [i]still[/i] don’t own this farm yet.
The good news is that I have already sold some coffee.
The bad news is that I sold it for little or no profit just for the experience.
The bad news is that while I was on the mainland, many mangos ripened and dropped to the ground uneaten.
The good news is that there are a hundred still on the tree outside my door.
The good news is that I will be saving a lot of money by not having to buy mangos anymore. The bad news is that to pick them from the tree rather than off the ground, I had to buy a fruit picker at $16.00.
The good news is that I had a craving for gummy bears and bought them.
The bad news is that I was at COSTCO when the craving struck. I now have something like a 42 pound bag I am trying to eat. Talk about sugar shock!!!
The good news is that I will be selling lots of coffee soon.
The bad news is that once I start the online store, I will not be able to take long vacations anymore, because [i]someone[/i] has to be here to ship the stuff!
The bad news is that I have run out of good vrs bad news.
The [i]good[/i] news is also that I have run out of good vrs bad news
And by the way, you have NO idea how great it is to be back in Hawaii after a month on the mainland. The pollen count was a record high in ATlanta, something like 1400! Ah-choo!