Gone but not Forgotten
Gone but not Forgotten was Originally Posted on November 24, 2010 by lavarock
I was just thinking today about how I miss “real Coke”. The original Coke had real sugar, not that high fructose corn syrup they use today. There is only one time each year that you can get Coke with real sugar.
Remember “boil in the bag” dinners from banquet? The ones I loved were the chicken ala king because I could heat it up and pour it on toast. You can still get a chicken alaking today but it has rice in it. Although sometimes I fixed it that way, I miss the toast version.
It’s still available but not here. That is Taylor’s Pork Roll; a pork product which was in a roll (like a bologna) and you could cut a thick slice, cut a slit in it and fry it on up. It was great for breakfast but also made a nice sandwich with butter.
I long for the days when you could go to the airport and just get on a flight without getting groped.
I stopped smoking quite a ways back, but I still remember cartons of cigarettes costing $4 or so if you stopped in North Carolina along the road. It was almost worth driving there when you ran out, because gas was 29 cents a gallon and sometimes cheaper when it was on sale.
You also could get tablecloths and sets of drinking glasses when you gassed up. Sometimes you could buy laundry detergent and get a free glass.
When I was a teen I was living in Washington DC. I often would go downtown and walk along the mall. Also I would visit many of the Smithsonian Museums and spend the day. At lunch I would slip down to the cafeteria in the basement of the I.R.S. building, which was open t othe public.
On the local Baltimore TV station WJZ there was this woman co-host named Oprad Winfrey. On the DC side was WRC TV with a few noteables like Glenn Brenner, George Michael, Max Robinson and Jim Henson. Willard Scott played Bozo, Ronald McDonald and had an on the air tv news spot and was a radio personality also.
Jeanne Dixon was alive and forcasting the future.
By the way, if you want t ogive a terrific gift for someone of a “ceratin age” go to http://www.oldtimecandy.com/ and browse through the decades. Yes they still make candy dots on a roll of paper, wax lips, Bonomo’s Turkish Taffey.
Each of us has our own list of not-forgottens and I hope that this sparked memories for you.