Go Went, Then It Didn’t
Go Went, Then It Didn’t was Originally Posted on October 8, 2008 by lavarock
I have Kaiser for a health care plane. When you needs certain tests (like an MRI) they buy you a ticket and send you to Oahu. That is where I was today.
I got up evry early so I could get ready and drop Koa off at Sandras for the day. I also have been having a dead battery and had to jumpstart the truck. Koa got dropped off at 7am and I stopped by work for a few minyutes then was off to the airport for an 8:30 flight. I amd eit with plenty of time.
I’m not a big fan of Go Airlines. They appear to have come into the market here, using unfair tactics and put ALoha Airlines out of business. They had offered cutrate fares for months until Aloha folded, then their parent company announced Bankrupcy reorgination 2 days later. Their fares them went back up to be competitive with Hawaiian (their competition). They also lost a suit having to do with unfair practices against Hawaiian and the Aloha suit is still pending.
Add to that the little problem they had here with a Hilo flight. They were flying a scheduled flight from Honolulu to Hilo (about a 50 minute flight or so). The flight bypassed Hilo and was headed towards South America. The tower was unable to raise the aircarft for 20 minutes. Finally the plane turned around and landed. The pilot and copilot were fired for both falling asleep in flight… I believe there was another casee similar to this with their parent company Mesa.
When I borded the flight today, I noticed the CRJ200 was very very old and may be the oldest airplane I’ve been in.
Anyhow, I get to Honolulu and get out to baggage claim and ground transportation. I had to call a freind back in Kona to find out where I would catch the Kaiser shuttle. I followed directions and was able to board it. There were 8 of us and it was packed.
Upon arrival at Kaiser I checked in and was called quickly for the MRI. I sat in the MRI waiting area for a while, shivering the whole time. A woman there was draped in a blanket to keep warm. I swear it was 65 degrees there.
After verifying that I had no metal in me (bullets, stents, pacemaker, etc) I laid down on the table. I had chosen classical music for the experience; The 4 Seasons. I’ve don an MRI before and did not go nuts in the enclosed space, but I figured that the music might help anyway.
This machine was doing my head, so it was quite small. I did not have to get undressed, I just could not have any jewelry on, etc. The machine has a small mirror so you can see outside the machine at the mountain beyond. That was neat and helped you from feeing cramped. I did have lots of problems keeping awake though. I had been to a luau the night before and had only gotten about 5 hours sleep.
After the MRI I caught the shuttle back to the airport. I tried twice to be standby on flights prior to mine, but they were all filled. Having only eaten crackers all day, I finally decided to go over to the adjoining terminal to get food. I got there fast but then had a big surprise. At my Go terminal there was a guy selling a sandwich for $8. THAT is why I opted for the food court. However Burger King was $8 or so for their combos! Next door was Lahaina Chicken for about the same prices. Including drink and sides, I got a better meal, but it cost just over $14! Still, I had to eat and it’s a good thing.
I went the back way to the Go terminal. Since I was already in a secure area, I was escorted back to the Gate. My 5:30 flight was delayed almost an hour and I got back to Kona Airport at 7:15. I then had to zoom on down to COSTCO to buy a new battery for the truck.
A quick trip to Sandras to get Koa and then on to the house. Along the way, Koa decided to fall asleep in my lap as I was driving. I wish he would not do that!
I got home and opened up my mail. My MRI has already been read and my Doctor has sent me an email telling me so far, things look fine!
In other news, my roaster has not yet arrived, but I hear the water pump for the tank project is here. I’ll go up into town Thursday to get mounting specs.
In the meantime, I’ll read some email tonight and then get to bed. I have to work at the condos tomorrow.