Getting To The Tooth Of The Matter
Getting To The Tooth Of The Matter was Originally Posted on February 26, 2012 by lavarock
As a parent, you have a responsibility to nurture and protect your children. Yet being a parent causes many issues and contradictions.
The Tooth Fairy is an example. A child loses a tooth. It is placed under the pillow and hopefully in the morning where it is exchanged for money. While this sounds pretty benign, there are a number of problems facing parents and children.
Wikipedia says the average payment in the U.S. is $2.60. There is no indication what external forces effect that price, ie the price of crude oil or the stock market. Yet I suppose that the payment amount will vary based upon economic conditions.
Who is this fairy that is allowed in the house when parents and children are asleep. Has anyone done due diligence to perform a background check?
Just what does this fairy do with all the teeth and is there a open marketplace like Ebay where the price might fluctuate?
Also, reports are that children stop believeing in the Tooth Fairy by the age of 7. When finding out that the Tooth Fairy was fictional, close to 75% felt alright with the discovery, about 20% were neutral but 3% were miffed enough to state that they would not continue the tradition with their family.
Without going into details, what about the conundrums of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or the little leprechaun that turns off the refrigerator light when you close the door.
As children mature, parents have to explain these issues with kids and put up with the accusation that they have been lied to all their (short) lives.
Parents need to keep in mind how they treat their children may determine how the parents are treated in their elder years. “Don’t worry Mom, of course there are no pills crushed up in your mashed potatoes…â€