Electric Usage Chart
In the following chart I began installing solar items in about September and adjusting when I used the dryer and stove to the cheapest part of the day. As you can see, I am using a lot less power from the utility with no major changes to my lifestyle.
I still don’t have the third battery online which will help me not to have to charge batteries from te utility if it is cloudy, etc.
I still have a few circuits to switch to solar but they should be very low usage. I don’t think they will add much. My two big current users for solar are the Refrigerator and the freezer.
So it does pay to convert.
So I have one transfer switch and have about 10 loads switched to it and on solar. I ordered a second transfer switch and it seems to have come in 2 days by FedEx to my PO Box. The Post Office says they never got it and FedEx shows a delivery photo of it on somebodys chair outside. I am opening a ticket.