Denzler White Sapote
Denzler White Sapote was Originally Posted on January 8, 2013 by lavarock
Native to Mexico, I am growing these in Hawaii. It may take 6 to 9 months from flower to fruit in some climates (I don’t know when mine flowered).
I have been watching the fruit for a while and it appeared to start to ripen the other day. Today it was very ripe and in fact, bruised a bit. I picked it and my fingers went easily into it. It was a mess!
The fruit is very soft when ripe and can be used in smoothies. The consistency is like pudding and the taste of this one is similar to a mild lemon custard pudding.
They will have to be picked as they start to ripen and then taken to the farmers market.
If allowed to ripen, they will fall from a mature tree like, well, a pudding bomb, exploding with custard goodness, all over the ground.
This is similar to the rolinia (sugar apple) I am growing, which also tastes like custard.