
Connections was Originally Posted on December 1, 2012 by

Connections was a TV series hosted by James Burke and explored a chain of events. It would follow something like the British searching for rubber in the jungles. The workers were bitten by mosquitoes. Those mosquitoes carried malaria. Malaria’s pain could be minimized with quinine but quinine was bitter. The quinine was added to water and was called tonic water. Soon it was discovered that a bit of gin would help make the quinine/tonic water taste better. Thus the British Gin and Tonic was born.

Now, speaking of connections, I joined LinkedIn a few years ago. Many of the people I used to work with, are members of LinkedIn. When I look to see all the people I have been associated with, there are more than 50. Just adding those people would take quite a while. Also, it appears that linkedIn has recently encouraged to recommend people they have worked with in various tasks. So, I have been recommended in categories such as Backups and disaster recovery and so on. Not that mny of these recommendations help much in farming.

Oh well, at least I know where I can find lost of people who know me. It is a good thing I did not win the lottery this week, huh?