Breaking The Bank
Breaking The Bank was Originally Posted on February 2, 2015 by lavarock
A neighbor got robbed last night. This makes the third time.
However, technology comes to the rescue.
He lives in a relatively quiet neighborhood, but the have added low-income housing nearby.
The last time the guys came in, dank beer, smoked pot (which they brought with them) and a half hour later left with a few items and some medications. They were caught and the court case is pending.
Last night the owner went to bed around 11:30pm. A friend is stying there for a few days. The thief came in around 2:55am through an open sliding door (many people don’t lock them) and took a cellphone and some single dollar bills left out on the desk. He didn’t see the wallet underneath I guess, which had bigger bills. Then it appears he left and went home (a few blocks away) at 3:15 and then cam back at 3:30 or so and took the other cellphone and turned them off.
So how dio we know all this? For one, the owner has a Piper camera that records and it recorded the image if the thief when he first came in and started taking stuff. Then he disappeared for a while and came back in. The police looking at the video wondered where he went during that time. Well, I know… I looked at the application LIFE360 which uses the phone GPS. We see a few markers on the map where the phone moved outside the house, then was a few house away, they settled down at an apartment house a few blocks away, then it came back to the house at 3:30. The police saw the guys face on the video and believe they know who he is, and if the GPS is accurate enough, which apartment house he lives in.
This guy *usually* enters his single dollar bills into the webapge “WheresGeorge.Com” which allows people to track money like you would a message in a bottle. Last night he didn’t enter any bills, but imagine the police going to this guys house and asking him to open his wallet. Looking at the dollar bills would prove he took them, if he had them at 7am or so and they were last entered into the system by the guy whose hose was robbed of them. A Perry Mason or CSI show in the making! It would be just like a bank robber with marked dollar bills.
So I emailed a photo of the track the guy took to my friend and told him to email it to the police. It appears the police will follow up tonight when they come back on duty. Nothing happens fast here, but I expect another court case soon