A Dream
A Dream was Originally Posted on January 26, 2009 by lavarock
Years ago a coworker at H.P. said he was happy to see that I was living my dream (that of living in Hawaii).
It reminded me of the line from the movie “South Pacific” “If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?”
When I decided to move to Hawaii folks will tell you that I became obsessed with the idea. What I did was decide to move and then took each event that followed and said to myself “Does doing this thing get me any closer to moving to Hawaii?’ If the answer was no, then I tried to skip doing it. These decisions included mundane things like: going out to dinner, signing up for certain services which might cost me extra money if I moved in a year, etc.
Granted, I didn’t make the move as quickly as I wanted, but I did obtain the goal and I’ve not looked back.
Another HP’e had a sign at her desk which read: “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got!”.
If you sit around without a dream and just go through the motions, soon you will discover that your life is lacking in excitement. Is that what you are striving to have? I hope not!
Another person I worked with had a dream to move to California. However, in the 8 years or so that he has talked about it, I don’t think he has made more than 1 or 2 decisions that would help him get there. He has a dream, but is always doing what he always did, nothing.
Even if you don’t obtain your dream, at least TRY!