It has been a busy few months
I have been creating some websites and converting some other websites over to WordPress. Although made primarily for blogging I think, WordPress (which also runs this blog) is pretty simple to use and makes nice websites.
If you are interested in the sites I have been working on, here are some:
One neighbor got talked into moving from my hosting to a very expensive solution and she decided to move back. I’ll help her increase her sales with a newsletter.
If you have a business or need to reach out to people, ChimpMail is a free service for many people. They have a paid version but the free level is sufficient for many. You can create a newsletter and send it out to a list of people. There is very useful tracking information and statistics.
Because I was laid up with a couple operations and months of physical therapy the past year, the farm got a bit unproductive. Because I don’t charge many of my neighbors for their website creation, etc, they owed me some favors. Since they are coffee farmers for the most part, I called in those favors for coffee beans. I roasted them, created a new label so people will not think it is coffee from my own farm and offer it for sale. That will tide me over with some income until I get my farm productive again.
I have been helping a guy I used to work with to buy a farm here. He and his wife went through 2 other farm possibilities that fell through before finally closing on a nice farm. It already has at least 4 acres of coffee and will be yet another possibility should I need extra coffee to sell Gary and his wife relied upon me and the agent to find and recommend the farms he wanted us to look at. He and his wife expect to fly out in January and finally see the property and house the bought! They got a very good deal because besides the house and acreage, they also get a source of income and a neighbor who will run and market their coffee for them. BONUS!
His wife is not interested in traveling overseas with us, so Gary and I have planned a trip to Australia. We signed up for specific credit cards to get miles to use for the trip. We hope to take that trip in the next year or so before the miles get devalued. I already know of at least one reader we can drop in on north of Sydney
I have lots to do getting the house ready for visitors here. I have some projects such as remodeling the kitchen, a bath and an extra room. A neighbor is an author and does some construction. I helped with his book and he will help me with the work.
I’ll try to write more often here as I have in the past.