And faster yet
And faster yet was Originally Posted on December 11, 2003 by lavarock
In anticipation of starting to move tomorrow, I made a swoop through Wal-Mart, K-Mart and COSTCO, picking up necessaries. I grabbed paper towels, big trash bags, cleaning rags, bleach, a bucket and a cleaner I like, Simple Green. I finally figured out that Simple Green smells like limes…
I had to sign up for regular water rates for now. To get agricultural rates, I have to have a special flow control valve installed and inspected. This valve insures than any farm who might use fertilizer in their irrigation water, will not allow that water to re-enter the water system. I don’t know if there is a valve on my property yet, but they would have not let me use the water until the valve was checked anyway, and I want water tomorrow.
I am borrowing a few things wich include a vacuum and an air matress. I am not sure what shape the beds are in as there were renters in the house. It looks as though they cleaned it up nicely before they left though.
I don’t know what I will do about the internet or a phone line. I’ll have withdrawal sysmptoms starting soon I’m sure. That should force me into getting something almost instantly. I’ll also have to start moving out of the hotel soon. I sure will miss the maid service!