Been there, done that
Been there, done that was Originally Posted on October 21, 2003 by lavarock
Because I am here on the mainland for only 4 more weeks, I have to be careful what I buy. I don’t want to purchase a whole pound of sugar because even I can’t eat that much in a month. Thus, when I visit a fat food place, I also grab a few sugars and salts. One day I was out of sugar and wanted a cup of coffe in the morning. I was buying a hamburger and noticed they had the sugar behind the counter. As I got the dinner I asked for a few sugars too. The guy behind the counter look at the screen and noted I ordered meat and asked, “sugar?”. As he handed me the sugars I put the in the bag and said “It makes it crunchier that way” as I turned. I can imagine the look on his face!
In a previous blog I mentioned how cheap things can be in Hawaii. At my local Georgia store I saw the awlful price they were charging for coconuts, pineapples, mangoes and papayas. Much as I like them, I passed.
I looked through the coffee section but only found Kona blends (10% Kona, 90% other stuff). No one carries 100% Kona in this area. Hmmm, perhaps a business opportunity?
As I was checking out I noticed a familiar bag by the checkout stand. It was a bag of chocolate covered macadamia nuts. Here I am 1/4 way around the world and notice a product from a company not 2 miles from my new home!
I approached my car and a gentleman passing by me looked up in the sky and noted a particularly beautiful sunset. “Isn’t that beautiful?” he asked. I agreed but thought, “just like we get at home in Hawaii about every night”.
I came home and worked on my coffee label and think I have a good paste-up copy. I showed my neighbor and she really liked it. I had it taped to a coffee bag and put roasted beans in the bag to see what it looked like. I felt a shiver. This really IS getting close to a business! As soon as I get approval for the artwork, I’ll post a picture of the label.