Documentation was Originally Posted on October 3, 2012 by lavarock
In an ionline forum this morning, we were discussing whether thyere should be a state issued ID here in Hawaii.
My reply was as follows:
I imagine that a State ID would be issued for those who do not have a drivers license. It would make no sense to have both.
While I am against any kind of standard issued government ID, I understand why people refuse to get ANY ID that accurately describes who they are.
A neighbor hired many people to work on the farm. He paid them and finally at the end of the season was told by his accountant that he had to report that income to them to the government. He asked for and received Social Security numbers for the workers and submitted them. Turns out they were all bogus numbers and these workers had no social security numbers. They also were not reporting their income.
When I lived in georgia I found many people only used cash, primarily because having credit card required them to have and use a real social security number.
So when you look at these workers from the governments viewpoint, they have no income and thus qualify for assistance. They receive income, don’t pay taxes and then receive free money and services from the government.
People getting a free ride would more than likely vote for the people who give them the most money and free services.
We should be able to accurately identify those we do business with.
Yesterday I was told the outcome of a lawsuit of a woman from this island who was cheating people. Turns out she had many aliases and who knows which is correct. We think we know, but may be wrong.
We as citizens have a right to privacy, but we also have a right to know who we are dealing with in certain circumstances.
If I am spending thousands of dollars on an item, I want to know who I am paying. If I am a citizen, I want to know who is electing my leader and if they have a dog in the fight. If I am in the hospital and about to be cut open, I want to ensure the doctor is not Frank William Abagnale, Jr.