Today was Originally Posted on June 10, 2011 by lavarock
This morning I’ll bathe a labrador puppy who is heading to the airport and its new home on Maui. She is as cute as the rest in the litter and we are now down to a male and female yet to be chosen.
There are 5 poodles left from the last litter which we hope to find a home for. It appears that “standard” poodles (full sized – think Labrador height) are not as popular out here as was thought. Still, they are cute and range from apricot to red in color.
Today is King Kamehameha day, a state holiday. He is one of the only U.S. kings (and they had to take the Island Kingdom to get them). We also have the only U.S. palace out here, I`olani Palace seen as 5-0’s headquarters on both Hawaii 5-0 TV shows. As you may remember from a previous post, the 5-0 in the name refers to Hawaii being the 50th state. By the way, the 5-0 in the current series is often refered to as a special detail created by the Governor. In the original series, 5-0 was more like a state police, however, Hawaii has no state police, only county and some city police.
I have to admit that we are blessed with little violent crime out here.
I am hoping the lectrician will hook up the wire I ran to the meter box so I can get my electricity back up. Then I can call the cable company to fix their cable; both being damaged in a storm.
In an emergency, with no internet or electricity, I can use the browser in my Droid cellphone, or use the phone as a modem for the laptop and echarge them from the builtin inverter in my battery charger/air pump unit for the car.
The only cable left attached to the house is an old telephone cable whose service I dropped years ago in favor of Voice Over IP (internet telephone).
Speaking of VOIP, some guys from Cisco left and created a company called ObiHai and make 2 boxes, the OBI100 and OBI110 which let you connect via internet to a SIP provider and/or GoogleVoice. The latter allows free ong distance within the US and cheap long distance worldwide. A GoogleVoice number where you don’t use email is best (you can sign up for a new account I guess). The OBI110 model also lets you attach a telephone line so you can bridge between the internet connection and your current phone line. There are many ways to use the device, which costs $50 and if using GoogleVoice, gives you no charge long distance.
I ordered a copy of Ghost so I can duplicate my hard drive which may be going bad. It should arrive in the mail today.