Zooming Right Along
Zooming Right Along was Originally Posted on August 14, 2010 by lavarock
I have a deadline of October to have the last part of the farm planted. I am 1/2 planted now. Just prior to that, I have a week and a bit on the mainland, so I am down to the wire.
This planting MUST be done or my leassor will assess me massive fees as they have given me extensions already. I cannot complain as they have been most lenient; however I have spent large amounts of money to get where I am.
I had an opportunity of buying a coffee farm down the road for $250,000. It was a turnkey property with coffee labels, bags, store shelf space and even barcodes. It was almost exactly across from the Painted Church and I could have had farm tours and sold lots of coffee. It was also a convenient place to have visitors drive by.
However, I ended up buying a farm which needed work and was only $150,000. I figgured I could do a lot for the $100,000 difference. Oh how hindsight would be helpful!
Readers here know that I spent $20,000 or more to get rid of the macadamia nut trees, then by the time I was done, at least $25,000 for coffee trees and holes to put them in and dirt to keep their root happy. Then there is the $50,000 for the water tanks, the $20,000 for the tractor, lots of money for weedwackers and Roundup and sprayers and so on. I woud say I have $325,000 invested already and still need to fix the kitchen, 2 bathrooms and the garage roof.
I’m not complaining mind you, because all of this increases the value of the farm and when (not if) I sell it, I’ll make a very nice profit. Still, I have to get the thing finished.
Rather than fully plant in coffee, I will be planting fruit trees (with very generous spacing if I do say so myself) and thet I should be able to complete in time. I already have sufficient water lines to reach all trees.
Of the new trees I planted last April, some gave cherry last year; which was unexpected as usually it takes 1-2 years. This year I should have plenty more coffee and by next year, probably be in full production. In the near future I should have about 1800 pounds of roasted coffee when finally bagged.
Luckily I have been able to take advantage of a NRCS grant and generous tax writeoffs.
Besides the coffee, I also create websites and shopping carts for people, resell hosting accounts, SSL certificates and even can set people up for credit card processing. I also have started Kona Labradors to raise AKC registered dogs fro sale.
Speaking of dogd, I now have a 3yr old male chocolate Lab and a few month old yellow Lab girl. An interesting thing happened when I regsitered the girl. I noticed her birth date was April 29th, the exact same date as my male Lab Koa! Now that will be an easy date to remember!
Anyway, I found a few ways to borrow from my retirement funds and will pass them along in the next blog.