Watching Paint Dry
Watching Paint Dry was Originally Posted on March 14, 2010 by lavarock
Years ago, there was a massive earthquake and the Golden Gate Bridge was shut down. I used my big satellite dish to watch a camera set up on the bridge. As traffic was allowed back on the bridge, reporters used that TV feed to interview drivers. Most of the time up until then, it was like watching paint dry. I was chided for watching that boring feed.
Then there once was a takeover of an embassy and a camera was set up watching the building, day and night, night and day. It was like watching grass grow, only less exciting.
Now I can’t really fault those people spend lots of money to come to Hawaii and then sit around and stare at the setting sun, waiting for a green flash.
So with all that said and done, I’m watching episodes on A&E showing people getting parking tickets! To break the monotony, some people get booted. Now I won’t say it is a very exciting program, but at least I feel vindicated that others too feel the need to watch something as engaging as molasses flow.
Then again, I thought the show “Airline” vindicated me. It was a series focused on Southwest Air showing (generally) people NOT getting on a flight.
Nuff said!