Waves was Originally Posted on July 16, 2009 by lavarock
Today there was a cruise ship in port along with a wave of visitors in town. Tomorrow parts of town will come to a standstill as the Royal Couple (the Emperor and Empress of Japan) comes to visit. People will line the streets and wave. I’ll be here in Captain Cook
Speking of waves, there was an 7.8 earthquake in New Zealand and of course, we had a tsunami watch for a short while today. Luckily, there was no wave generated.
I’ll be trying to mow the grass between the rows of coffee trees in the morning. We have had lots of rain spread out over the past few weeks. I see lots of cherry already, which means I’ll be picking, processing and roasting this new crop this year! I won’t have alot of coffee from the new trees, but what I do get, will be special as it is a year early. I was not expecting a crop this year at all or I would have spent an extra $750 to have all the tree mature, rather than just 2/3 of them.
On a completely different path… Would you like to have some quality software for free? There is a website called GiveAwayOfTheDay.Com and quess what they offer? They post a new software program each day and you can download it for free! Some of the software is “ho hum” but other offers are really useful. I leave it up to you to review the offerings and comments and decide fro your self. In the past couple of weeks I have grabbed 5 or 6 programs. The catch? Well, there is little or no support and you may only get this particular version and probably won’t get any upgrades. Still, software recently offered allowed you to create website easily, edit audio clips, decompile Flash files and modify them and even add watermarks in images (useful to keep people from stealing your work and calling it theirs).
Until next time,