Getting Worse
Getting Worse was Originally Posted on February 20, 2009 by lavarock
Ok, so my blog this morning (1 of 3 today) talked about stupid laws.
It is bad enough that cities have put cameras on every street corner. In Atlanta I used to commute about 20 to 30 minutes to work and one day I got concerned about the sheer number of video camers pointed toward the roads I took. In that 30 minute drive I counted about 175 cameras that were pointed towards my travel. There were plenty more, but pointed a different direction. 175 cameras. 175…
Here is a proposal to gather taxes based upon how long you drive. I want you to read this very carefully, and think for a minute about it…
The system would require all cars and trucks be equipped with global satellite positioning technology, a transponder, a clock and other equipment to record how many miles a vehicle was driven, whether it was driven on highways or secondary roads, and even whether it was driven during peak traffic periods or off-peak hours.
The idea is to tax people based upon the miles driven, but you know, that same GPS could also determine your speed and location at the time. It could also be used to tell where you drove, how fast, how long you were at a particular location, etc.
VERY SCARY when you consider that our government implements things for one reason, then finds other uses.
Thank goodness something like this is not in use.
The rest of the real news item posted today states:
A blue-ribbon national transportation commission is expected to release a report next week recommending a VMT tax.
This is a way to determine how many miles you have driven. So the panel is expected to propose such a tax next week.
The President says “No”, but I wonder for how long as the US tries to find more ways to gather money.
The complete news item is here..
That would be a scary situation if it ever came to pass, wouldn’t it?